
Saturday 27 April 2013

BA6 - CS research

Not all of this is complete but here is what I done for the task that was set before Easter.

Structural Framework
How do the rules and conditions of the game create conflict?

With Spore the conflicts is when it comes to evolving, the starting areas creates conflict when trying to evolve quicker. You start off small and have to grow but in order to do that you must either eat other cells of your size or food that is relatable to you; however the conflict is that you can get eating by bigger cells than you thus creating conflicting with you.

Dear Esther
Dear Esther doesn’t really have any rules and conditions so it doesn’t really create any conflictions with the play through. Sure there are boundary walls for where the player can walk but nothing in the way of creating a limit for the player. The game has a very set path and is very linear but that’s it, it’s only rule is follow the path, listen to the story and enjoy the experience.

What are the interactive experiences provided for players in the game?
Dear Esther
This game doesn’t really provide any major interactions for the player other than following a path and listening to the story, I guess that in itself is the interaction of the whole game really. This minimal interaction creates a whole different experience for the player for how they feel about it being a ‘game’.
Does interaction create meaningful play?

Dear Esther
Aside from the only interaction of walking then yes it creates meaningful play in that the players wants to find out what happens in the well constructed story but there isn’t a set goal or achievement for the player.

Aesthetic Framework

What does the game look like?
L.A Noire looks like it belongs in the 1940’s, more so it does. In fact it is set in the year 1947 ‘amid the post-war boom of Hollywood’s Golden Age’ – (, L.A Noire).
What are the possible visual influences?
L.A Noire is heavily based on the aesthetics from the film Noir. Its theme and stylistic elements are based on the films of this era and the style that was around back in 1947. The slang term ‘Gum-shoe’ is also a reference within game that can be seen.
Does the game offer intertextual references?
What other aesthetic qualities does the game present – movement, sound?
The sound of L.A Noire is based off the time and era of the year that it’s based on. This can range from the sound of the classic guns that were around back then to the music with its jazzy cabaret style.

Company (do they have a ‘house style’)?

L.A Noire
L.A Noire is published by Rockstar whose games are famous for being sand box games. Sand box games gives the ability for the player to free roam normally around a city and complete parts of he story line to further progress in the game. Rockstar are famous for their series of Grand Theft Auto series and this game doesn’t differ a lot from this style of game. This then really is part of their ‘House Style’.
Target audience

L.A Noire
L.A Noire is targeted at people that may have played Rockstars previous games such as GTA (Grand Theft Auto) and likes the style of a sand box game; however this game is targeted at the type of people that like the style and era of the game and so appeals to the other generation of people. The age range is from 20-35.

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