
Sunday 26 February 2012

Mudbox: frustration

When I first started using mudbox I found it to be quite fun, creating and sculpting a model head and seeing where my creativity takes me, however after having used it for some time now I have grown frustration over using it and just can't  get the hang of it, I'm not that very good at drawing people and faces let alone trying to sculpt them, non the less I will not give up on trying to sculpt a head that looks like my friend Kai. Most problems I find is just simply trying to get the structure of the head right, I can't seem to get it just right so it looks like him. Here is the reference photo that I am working from:

Now as you can see I have a fair few reference photos to work from so obviously it should be easier for me to work with. I have 2 heads that I have created to see which one looks more like him with the overall structure, here they are:

As you can see the left the one is slightly too wide but the lips are a bit better than the one the right, the nose is wonky on the right and possibly too big on the left, if I can just get them to meet up in the middle then I may be able to create something that will look like Kai, until then it's just a case of keeping on tweaking and try to sculpt it right. 

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