
Saturday 25 February 2012

Research for Job roles essay

To research into the disversity of then job roles for an artist I decided to try and look at as many game studios job offerings as possible.

I took a look at;
 and EA's job searching site

I found searching for artists through the EA jobs site that it helped me a great deal in finding the many different jobs and the requirements needed for each one. The job role in particular that I took a look at was Concept artist and Animator, this being because Animator is still classed as being part of the art team and mainly because I am still torn between the two for my future. I decided to keep the job role not massively broad as an 'Artist' but to try and keep it down to a 'Concept artist' and an 'Animator'.

I also found previously that emailing Crytek helped me get a more personal response to the requirements needed  for these job roles, I will add this to my essay as best I can due to it being a 1000 words.

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