
Sunday 18 March 2012

Architectural style and concepting a door

For this project we have been giving the brief of finding a game that we like and to research and study the architectural style of that game, from this we will then concept together our own door using the desired style from the game. Moving on from this we will then create the door in Maya and possibly using Mudbox to allow it to be put into a game engine. Above is just a little experiment I have tried out using a nice technique that students from Feng Zhu design school use.I like the idea of using a different perspective of the door and using the surrounding environment to support the style and so I will try and collaborate something of this style.
The game that I have chosen to study is Halo, I just really love the various styles that go from human concepts, religious derelict landscapes to sci-fi fantasy based styles. 

These are a few of the examples of the students work:

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