
Monday 5 November 2012

Game Design Doc - Creating the Polaroid concept

After the first concept of the Polaroid and having it in my hands to get the feel of it and looks I decided to attempt at creating a 3D model of the camera. I started off by creating the simple blocks to map out the design of it and then fleshing out the details of the camera. With a little bit of help from our tutor Lothar Zhou in getting some of the shapes to the right proportion I have a WIP below:

Basic body although not so basic

Added a lens and Polaroid film
A quick render using mental ray 'physical sun and sky'

First attempt at textures, not so good, lots of bugs and stretching

Wood texture used
Polaroid photo taken with Kai's colour film and Polaroid camera of me and Juliette from our group
I love the photo above because although the quality is not great it's very nostalgic and has so much character and texture, it works so well and I think it wouldn't work if it was too perfect.
Second attempt at textures with some success with the addition of the Polaroid picture added but not so much with the stretching on the side of the flash head
UV Maps used for the textures on the flash and also showing the texture for the metal face on the flash head
Although still stretching on the flash head added a subtle hint of bronze trimming around the bezel of the front on the flash
Bronze texture used to create the trimmings
A much more successful attempt at the textures and this time adding the texture for the flash, the texture for the flash was a photo a took of my housemates flash
Adding more textures to the camera like the viewfinder, this texture is a photo I took of my camera lens
Viewfinder from my Polaroid camera

Shutter Button

Latch to open up slot for film

My camera lens

Lighter or darker switch for photos with the Polaroid camera
A quick render using maya settings of the camera with the lens attached now but something still feels lacking with the camera
Final rendered edition of the camera with all the textures complete and to best I can achieve at the current time, this edition also includes the shutter button with the option to just trigger the flash and the latch to replace the film and battery in our game
Close up of the back

Close up of the shutter button and flash button just behind it as well as the latch for the film
Wood Texture
Bronze Texture
Metal Texture
Rubber Texture

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