
Thursday 13 December 2012

BA5 - New Brief

The basic understanding of this brief is we have to create a demo of a previous game or a new one that we have.

Here's the official brief to gander at:


This project returns to the game design document and concept design work created in
BA4, asking you to produce an interactive demo of your re-imagined game concept.
Depending on the size, style and genre of the concept, this can be a real-time graphical
walk-through, block-out map (if you intend to focus on level design), or entire playable
level. This must be clearly defined within your learning agreement.
Production predominantly focuses on the creation of digital assets (2D and/or 3D) and
their integration into a real-time environment. You will build upon your experience using
game engines and develop an interactive experience to showcase the look and feel of
your high-concept; graphically or mechanically.
You must consider technical requirements of your chosen platform(s) and conflicts that
may arise from possible limitations, ultimately choosing between high-end computing
and more restrictive hardware. It is essential that you organise your time effectively.

I'll be taking the 3D route in creating this 'demo'. I want to explore the idea of having a playable area (playable to an extent) of the previous game; Southmere. I want to try and create the starting area in which the player will begin. This will include various different assets that need to be created to create this environment such as a bridge, house, walls and other various different things. From here I will then export them into CryEngine and hopefully have a fully working environment in which the player can walk around in and get a feel for the game.

The process will be like this:

  • Learn the basic tools of CryEngine
  • Create a few concept ideas of what I want the area to look like
  • Try and create a block out in CryEngine to get a feel for the size
  • Create the assets efficiently in Maya
  • Use Photoshop and other programs to UV map the assets
  • Make sure the assets are ready to be imported into CryEngine
  • Play around with CryEngine to get the environment how I want it

Here's the area I wish to create: 

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