
Wednesday 9 January 2013

CS: Research

So for the new term we were asked to pick an important landmark in the last 20 years that has changed the gaming industry. I chose to look at the iPhone and how through its new technology and software it has helped to change the gaming industry in a big way.

I created a slideshow which when we were briefed was meant to be a 5 minute presentation but has now changed to looking at our blogs. I created a presentation anyway but here are screen shows with notes underneath them.

This new technology has helped to create a platform on which players have control with their fingertips. It allows the player to interact on a more personal level and it introduced a new way to play games.

The iPhone and iOS opened up a market in which companies allow people to be sociable and interact with other players. These social media interactions include the likes of updating scores to Facebook and Twitter. Facebook being the largest social network out there. 

The iPhone 4 was introduced with the gyroscope which uses a 3-axis angular acceleration around the X, Y and Z axes, this allows the phone to use yaw, pitch, and roll. This along with the accelerometer helps to create an experience unique when it comes to playing games. 

The iPhone offers portability to game on, sure there’s the PS Vita or Nintendo DS but with the iPhone it’s easier to carry, smaller to fit in your pockets and has everything you need in one device. This changed the way we play games, we can now play more than just snake on our phones and we have the ability to play games that look amazing. It opened up the market to thousands of gaming companies out there to produce a game that could be played whilst waiting for a bus. It changed and is still changing the gaming industry. 

To answer the question is quite simple and yet quite big. The iPhone with iOS has changed the gaming industry in the way we can play games, how we can get entertainment and joy out of these games. It has changed the way in which we can interact with friends and family and beat their high score. It has changed the gaming industry into thinking about how they can advertise their games, fulfil 5 minutes worth of gaming fun for just about anyone not just hard core gamers. It has revolutionised a way of gaming. The hardware that it introduced is still advancing today and has changed the gaming industry.

When doing this I researched into the technology used and when the iPhone was first revealed. For anyone interested here are the videos:


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