
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

BA6 - Problems with normal maps (updated)

So after looking at the normal maps produced for the church buildings I couldn't help but realise that there is something wrong with them, the come up with a weird square texture defect, I use crazybump (a recent purchase) to produce my normal maps as I find usually it gives me easier control over creating them compared to xNormal and the Nvidia plugins. To diagnose this problem I came into uni and tried out xNormal to see if the same effect still occured, what I found out was that it didn't happen with xNormal, this is frustrating and very annoying since I just bought crazybump and for it to not work fully, of course this is most likely down to user error and so I will seek advice on it, for now though below is a screen shot of before, using CrazyBump and an after, using xNormal.

The only thing I will say with the xNormal version is that it doesn't give enough defintion to the flint texture of the building, this apparent when applying this 'fix' to the other walls, CrazyBump gives me more easiness to increase the definition of the textures and which way they 'pop'. Again not using xNormal before there is most likely ways to do this but for now I wish to try and at least fix the errors with CrazyBump so I can use confidently.


After speaking with one of our tutors; Mark we figured that the problem might be from the fact that the normal maps from CrazyBump were JPEGs and also that they were showing in maya as a 'Bump' map. To fix this problem I saved the normal map as a Targa file, played around with some of the options in CrazyBump, so making sure that details I wanted to show up would and made sure that the maya used the normal map as a Tangent Space Normal instead of a bump, this solved the problem and issue I was having with the normal maps having artifacts from CrazyBump. Below is a rendered screenshot of my church with some better lighting set-up courtesy of Jess Magnus who has set up her lighting beforehand.

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