
Monday 7 May 2012

Door Project: Research

Maya Project: Creating and visualising my door

For this project I wanted to look at the architectural style of the Forerunners from Halo by Bungie. However to try and get a good idea of the architectural styles out there I decided to look at a few other games and even films/TV series such as Star Trek, Firefly, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Star Gate and Rage, I’m not going to be writing a great deal about each game but what I like about each one and how I might gather inspiration and ideas from them.

This is an image/concept of the ship called ‘Serenity’ in the TV series Firefly, I really like the style in which this TV series takes place, I really like the architectural style of the ship too with the use of different geometric shapes and colours used. 

Below is a Google sketch up of a Forerunner Structure in which I have used as an inspiration and influence on my door

The image below is another Halo concept piece, this time it's not a piece of construct created by the Forerunners but I really admire the lighting and the textures used throughout this scene and I hope to accomplish something somewhat similar to this. 

The next set of images below are from the latest in the trilogy; Mass Effect 3, I really like the architectural style used in this game and the clean finished used within each construct. I also really like the textures and lighting used to create these futuristic doors and structures. the use of clean and stylish geometric shapes help to create a clean and sci fi feeling. 

Next is Rage, a game developed by id Software, it's use of gritty and dirty textures mixed in with a bit of Firefly style is the perfect combination to be a favourite of mine, I really love the architectural style of it being ravage and all broken but at the same time still feeling futuristic through it's technology. I love the texturing and the colours used through out the game, although my door will more than likely not turn out in the same style I still wanted to take a look at Rage and especially since the concept artist Sparth actually did concept art for the Halo series and now this. 

Beneath are a couple of images from the game and TV set of Star Trek, an odd one to pick but the same time it makes sense with its clean and simplistic looks and feel whilst carrying over the same futuristic style that I am look for, I decided to take a look at Star Trek purely for the formations of the doors create in game or in the TV series, the architectural style is very similar to ones used in Halo or even Mass Effect and so I really admire the style and textures used. 

These next set of images are no doubt from the recent game Star Wars the Old Republic, i especially like this style and textures used because it uses very similar styles as previous images of Star Trek and Halo, What I like the most however with these concept pieces is the lighting used in each one, I like how each one uses the like to reflect all the surfaces around it and to set the atmosphere within the scene. 

This last image is of Stargate Atlantis, again I really like the architectural style and the clean looking textures within the TV series. 


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