
Monday 4 June 2012

Classes and Back story of our MMO game, rough draft


within our game each race has the same 5 classes; Acrobat, Machinist, Shapeshifter, Time Lord and a Tank. Each class then has different abilities or weapons/items.


this class will start off with the basic form of item and that being chalk for climbing. the acrobat himself is very flexible and is able to climb up high and jump from place to place. this ability allows him to solve puzzles that involves acrobatic skills. the next item that the acrobat uses is gloves for better and more precise climbing, boots for higher jumping, suction cups for climbing higher and a grapple gun for reaching extremely high places, each one of these items will be awarded as the player gets higher and higher. the grapple gun is inter-changeable with each class that can use it.


this class will start off with a water gun, like the acrobat the player will be awarded with better items/weapons as he progress through the game gaining more experience and money. the main difference with this class though however is how the player gets the weapons and then uses them, not all items will be available to either buy or use. weapons and items that the machinist can use are the flamethrower, laser cutter, water gun, night vision goggles, grapple and a shield. the machinist will be a class that is very much in depth with making and changing items with different parts, he's the type of person to be in a workshop all greasy and dirty working with nuts and bolts making new inventions. with each different race the machinist will change in style but not in the way of thinking.


this class has the ability to change into various forms of either life forms or gasses, these forms are a rat, tank, water, flame, a fish and smoke. each one of these forms will help the player to solve the puzzles. the way in which the player will transform into these forms will  be through a potion bottle. Each potion bottle will be the shape in which the form is. the potion will only last enough time in which the puzzle requires. the shapeshifters are just normal people, depending on their race, they managed to create different potions in which they can then transform into different forms.

Timelord (change name)

the time lord class will have the ability to either pause, fast forward (ageing) and slow down time, to do this the player will have a staff with a clock on top and then different options to use the these commands. However the player will only be able to use the abilities after progressing through the game and leveling up. the power of the Obselex that ran through this class is mainly used with the staff itself, although the class do posses the ability to use these powers better than any other class it relies on having the staff to use the commands.


Like the shapeshifter class it use most of its power through itself rather than just relying on items/weapons, the tank possesses the power of  push and pulling heavy items, smashing, lifting, throwing, stomping and blocking, all of these abilities will help to solve various different puzzles. the tanks no matter what race with generally have a big body and are able to lift heavy objects or move them, they gained their powers through the mineral obselex.


The planet known as (memememem) was a peaceful planet with several different races that all just got on with their lives. One day a giant meteor with a mineral come to be known as the Obselex was stored inside it. it crashed into the planet wiping out a race in its path and created a massive crater. from the middle of the crater and from the source of the mineral it spread through out various different cities towards different races on the planet, each race acquired powers and so gained 5 different classes. after establishing a trading route system with different cities and different races they managed to create they own unique styles and way of using their class. another race that was unaware of this mineral and its powers along with the different races was the jungle race, they are separated on an island from the rest and only recently came across and started trading with the current system and then possessing the power from the mineral.

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