
Monday 5 November 2012

Game Design Doc - Items in game

So, now I have to create designs for some of the items used in game.

Items that I want to create a concept for are:

1. Camera
2. Battery
3. Film
4. Key
5. Horse shoe
6. Torch
7. Note
8. Note book
9. Lock of hair

and then anything else I can create

First off I wanted to create a few rough sketches of the items that I wasn't going to develop further:

Very rough sketches of some of the items I won't develop further
First off that I have developed further is the key and horse shoe, both server different purposes in the game, the first being the shoe adds the element of puzzle solving for the unfinished business. The second being the Horse shoe in which it serves the purpose of being a save point. The player will find these through out the game and then in order to save they have to turn it upside down, doing so will save, I felt because this was to be an important part of the game that it should be fairly visible, I added a blue glow around it so that when in game the player would see it better.

Next is the Battery, for this I felt it should be fairly basic but obvious for the player to noticed and then pick up.

The film is next, for this we have three different types of film in our game:

1. Past time film - this allows the player to take a photo of say a room and then see if there is any items in which it can help the player to solve the puzzle, for this I felt that the overall design of the film should stay very basic, it's a tub that hold the film with a flap that will pull away to the reveal the film beneath On top there is a stripe, this stripe will indicate what type of film it is. Past time film will have a blue stripe.

2. Emotional Film - this film will allow the player to take a photo of an area and it will reveal the emotions that are conveyed from the ghosts, this will then help to give clues for the player and help them solve the puzzle, the stripe colour of this film is Red.

3. Combination Film - this film will allow the player to combine a piece or shard of an item that will help to solve the puzzle, the player must get the item in the first place and then will take a small sample from that and put it underneath the flap, only the combo film can do this and so this allows the player to take a photo that will help find clues with the desired combo item, a good example will be a strand of hair that is from an unfinished business ghost.

The colours are wrong and need to be changed around
Above is the film, I will create 3 variations of this film to represent each film.

I still have to create a: Torch, note, notebook and a lock of hair.

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