
Monday 5 November 2012

Game Design Doc - WIP Exterior and map

So after researching and taking lots of photos around Norwich gather a small library of photos I made an attempt at the map.
Rough drawing of the layout
More defined drawing in Photoshop of the map
Map with labelled areas showing each section, subject to change
The map still needs to be more improved upon, stylized and coloured, there are also areas that need to change to fit better for the gameplay and visuals. Each area will also have a particular name based on any important structures within those areas so the player can associate that area well enough to know where to go to if necessary. The names so far:

Area 1 = Market Street, although the center will be moved up towards near where the church is as this makes more sense overall for the layout and visually
Area 2 = Grove Woods
Area 3 = Village hall, although this area will be moved down to where area 1 is
Area 4 = Church Yard
Area 5 = Mardeel, the lake within this area is called Lake Mardeel
Area 6 = Not decided yet but after a pub that resides in that area
Area 7 = Manor but subject to change to something more appropriate

There is much more to do with this map in terms of it's design and layout, one image I want to take reference from is this:
An old Victorian map
Next on the agenda is the exterior design of our game, our game is set in the modern age, the village is medieval and so has changed over the years but has kept it's roots at presence. I wanted to design a perspective drawing of the player looking down Market street and you can see the church in the background. I took a look at some of the designs and arctecture of the buildings we have in Norwich like this:

I love this style and so I started out by creating a rough idea of the scene I wanted to use.

A rough idea on the perspective

Skipping a head in time
I have ended up at this point now with the exterior design of the village, I need to work on it more with changes like giving the houses more life by adding subtle colours to bring out their uniqueness and character, I also need create a bench surrounding the middle structure as it serves no real purpose at the moment, add thicker grass to the middle structure and create a cobble stone ground and this will add more to the scene style and texture. So far though I am happy with the result.

Below is a quick sketch up of the interior, this I need to give more body, objects, texture, colour and life:
A rough sketch of my idea for the interior
These are my next steps and goals to completing these concepts:

Exterior - Cobble stone texture flooring
                Bench surrounding the middle structure
                Thicker grass to emphasize the structure

Interior - More furniture
               Texture, colour, life, value and light

Map -      Names for the areas
                Change of layout
                Style texture and colour

Wall Texture

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