
Wednesday 23 January 2013

BA5 - Problems

Whilst creating little assets was good I was not happy with the work flow so I decided to make a start on the actual house that will be intractable. Whilst in the mist of doing this I faced many problems when creating it. Some of the problems I faced were ones such as creating the door from within a cube polygon, it was easy enough to use use edges to make a shape of a door frame big enough to with stand the door I have created but getting it to look right and have character was difficult. Then whilst trying to UV Map the general and simple building I discovered that I had forgotten to consider the walls of the house meaning I had simply created the shell of the house. So after much time thinking about how to create the walls I plunged into use the extrude tool to pull in the edges of the bottom faces to give me a wall sized gap around the edges, this caused all kinds of problems when trying to then turn it into a wall. I wasn't thinking clearly enough to think about a simpler solution and one that would be a lot more efficient and effective. So to do this I created a polygon cube, made sure that there were enough edges in the right places to map out a door frame, windows and a top lip supporting the upper structure. From here I then created another polygon cube that is slightly smaller than the main structure so that I could then place it inside allowing it to form walls inside the building. I made there were again edges lined up for the door frame, windows etc and created a step from which a person could step inside the house. I am now happy and confident with this building and it just needed me to think a bit clearer about how to do it, not overlooking it and using simple ideas.

Needs UV Mapping and then textures added

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